OUR FUTURE is our choice

Energy & Water Scarcity, Is A Problem That Must Be Resolved

Necessity is the mother of all inventions and America is the refuge of ingenuity. It is incumbent upon these United States to lead the way once again, in a revolution. Together we must change the paradigm.

The paradigm shift is a fundamental change in the development of cities and related infrastructure. The key to our continued success as a nation is the integration of numerous existing technologies into our construction methodology. Combining ultra efficient building envelopes, cutting edge mechanical technology and local renewable energy production, we can decimate demand, reduce the burden on aging infrastructure and transform our communities into producers of their own energy. All of this is being achieved without any adjustment in our standard of living.

The energy and water distribution problem will not mitigate itself. Facing two options, austerity or a paradigm shift, we choose the New Paradigm.

New Paradigm Developments is building cutting edge, sustainable, cost-effective renewable energy and water systems into every new development. The only real secret is, we are generating superior returns for our investors.


It Is Time To Create a New Residential Housing Paradigm

Our vision is to use our proprietary combination of the latest construction and renewable energy technologies to build ultra energy efficient homes and buildings that are powered by our wind and solar power micro grid to ensure a truly energy independent community. The combination of the latest technologies will ensure that all New Paradigm Homes are environmentally friendly, have ultra lower emissions approaching zero, reduced power demand, are energy independent and can survive extreme weather conditions and/or power grid failures. New Paradigm Developments is revolutionizing the residential construction industry, reducing the amount of water and energy consumed while generating clean renewable energy for the majority of what is consumed. The result, decreased demand on legacy transmission and distribution infrastructure.

Highly Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficient Construction

Fundamentally change the way homes, multifamily and master plan communities are built from the ground up, thus allowing for the technological entourage effect.

Produce Decentralize Electricity

Local Electricity Production

Fully integrated green technologies and truly energy sovereign communities operating on their own renewable energy micro-grid.

Grey And Rain Water Capture

Significant Water Savings

Setting a new benchmark in water capture, recycling, and efficiency.

SUPER EFFICIENT Using the latest technologies

A New Paradigm Developments with 35% Water & 95% Electricity Saving

Using the latest technologies we will build single family and multifamily developments that will reduce the average water and electricity consumption by such a wide margin that New Paradigm Developments is a catalyst for a fundamental change in more than 100 years. New Paradigm Community will be designed from start to finish for optional performance, including space allocation, sun direction, insulation and energy efficiency, and back-up power generation. We believe that a totally integrated green and truly energy independent community powered by its own micro solar power grid, will sell at a premium and faster than those homes in communities that are not energy independent.

Energy Independent Micro-Grids

Local micro-grid power production, that is energy independent and can survive extreme weather conditions and/or power grid failures

Energy Optimized Construction

New technologies and techniques to build ultra energy efficient homes that will consume between 30 to 50% less energy

35% Water Reduction And Saving

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95% Electricity Reduction From Grid

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An Environmentally Responsible Investment Opportunity That Will Change The Building Industry Forever

New Paradigm Development offers investors an environmentally responsible investment opportunity that will change the residential building industry forever.  The New Paradigm neighborhoods conservatively deliver returns on capital similar to legacy developments while generating a long term residual income selling clean energy at retail for decades to come.

The New Paradigm Developments is your competitive advantage in a Water and Electricity Scarce World






